Gluten Free Toast With Garbanzo Beans Paste and Kale With Oranges

We have a video recipe for this dish on our YouTube Channel. Click here 🙂

Bon Appetite From Sophia with Grace!

3.27 from 75 votes

Gluten Free Toast With Garbanzo Beans Paste and Kale With Oranges

Course Appetizer
Total Time 15 minutes
Servings 8 portions


  • 1 can or 15 oz of garbanzo beans drained and rinsed with water
  • Half of a lemon squeezed
  • ¾ cup of cilantro
  • 7 gluten free pieces of toast
  • 2 cups of chopped kale no stalks
  • Half of an orange chopped into small pieces
  • 1 tbsp of Coconut Aminos Teriyaki sauce
  • Salt and black pepper to taste


  1. Add garbanzo beans, cilantro, salt and lemon into a blender. 

    Mix it until a smooth like consistency. You can add some water or coconut kefir to make the consistency softer. 

    Place kale leaves in a bowl and massage them until they start to soften. Add half of an orange chopped into small pieces and squeeze orange juice over kale with your hand, add salt and mix them all together.

    Spread a layer of paste on top of the toast and kale salad on top of the paste.

    You can garnish this toast with pieces of tomatoes or cucumber.
